Wedding organization after Covid-19: our story in Vogue Uk - SUBLIMAE - WEDDING PLANNER PUGLIA

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Wedding organization after Covid-19: our story in Vogue Uk

Reconsidering the wedding organization after Covid 19, is a necessity and a must for all those working in the wedding industry. The pandemic has imposed a strong brake. Especially the wedding industry had to stop all its activities.

Weddings already planned from the previous season, all delayed. Masserie and locations already booked cancellations, formal dresses put back in the closet, wedding favors left in the boxes. The wedding world had to change settings and logistical strategies with immense inconvenience. Reorganize the internal and external spaces to respect the social distancing, reorganize the number of guests given the defections related to fear, travel and economic difficulties.

It talked about it in one of its articles, telling the story of 7 brides and wedding organization, the famous international magazine Vogue Uk that mentioned us of Sublimae as Wedding Planner of one of the married couple that this summer was supposed to celebrate her wedding in the beautiful Polignano a Mare.

Read the full article of Vogue UK

Here is the story of Rosie and Mike and wedding organization after Covid 19


« Our wedding was due to be held on 25 July at Masseria Lamacerase near Polignano a Mare, a town in Puglia, in the south of Italy. It’s a very special place, with olive trees and cacti set against a backdrop of white stone and sparkling sea. And the food is amazing. With the help of our amazing wedding planner, Giacomo (from Sublimae Weddings), we were able to make our vision for a stylish Italian wedding a reality… until the whole world went into lockdown in March because Coronavirus.

The plan was to have our legal wedding at Southwark Registry Office on 22 July and fly to Bari the next day. We had Lamacerase booked exclusively for the long weekend and, with the main wedding falling on the Saturday, we had planned events for our 130 guests before and after the main event. The wedding day itself was due to feature an Apulian antipasti feast, including fritto misto, freshly carved hams, traditional cheeses, a pasta course, a meat/fish course, and a dessert trolley, topped off with wedding cake. All this would have been followed by dancing among the olive trees until the sun came up, and probably a skinny dip in the pool.

Naively, at the start of lockdown, I really did think that things would be sorted out within a couple of weeks and that our wedding would still be able to go ahead as planned. But, in May, we formally notified our guests that we were going to postpone until 2021. Luckily, Giacomo was amazingly efficient in helping us pick a new date which worked for all our suppliers and guests. My wedding dress from Halfpenny London is kindly being stored by them until next year, and I am even more excited to wear it.

Mike and I marked our would-be wedding day with drinks at Forza Wine in Peckham and a delicious Italian-themed lunch with our family. Being thrown into these circumstances without a choice has really enabled me to take a step back and take stock of what is important – more so than flashy weddings. We couldn’t be more grateful for the continual kindness and support from friends and family. We feel incredibly lucky and full of love as a result« .


Do you want to have info on how to get married in Puglia? click here